Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Unit 11 - 32m The Final Push, Assessment and Degree Show

These are only a glimps of the final result of a years work. If your interested further please come along and see theDegree show exhibition at the Glasgow School of Art and head to studio 48.

Unit 10 - 26m

Unit 9 - 7m

Since unit 8's attempts were a little badly put together i wanted to re develop this unit to try and make it a little more clean cut and considered.

Unit 8 - 10m

Unit 7 - 28m

Unit 6 - 43m

Public Art Project

Based on the recent drawings i've been working on i decided to set my self rules that would restrict what i do with the materials i use.

Rules Applied

.Only use the materials you own.

.Only take what can physically carry - A hod can be used to aid this, but still in the restriction of only what you can carry with your own strength

. 4 works will be made on site
- 3 without the assistance of a power tool
- 1 with the assistance of a power tool and screw's

. If the hod falls apart on route the works must be made in that particular place

. No longer then 2 hours and no less then 1 hour will be spent on site.

. The work will be made to adhere to the publics use of the space, i.e. not blocking public access to the area around the work.

. No remains of the work will be left behind

. The route to the site must be different to the route coming back.

Research trip // London. Paris. Berlin