Tuesday 18 August 2009

Summer efforts...

As i realised summer would be mainly based around work work and more work i felt the need to attempt to achieve something sustainable for the final year of art school.

Carrying on similar ideas from where i left off i simply decided to draw.

Drawing, as I've previously mentioned, has never been something i have been good at or enjoyed. Usually i would try everything in my power to find some sort of way around it but for once I've found a good strong point in my work to carry on and keep going with.

Like the last post, the drawings i've been focusing on have all been in adjacent to music, modulation and sound patterns.

I managed to throw some work up at the Flying Duck, Probably the most random place I'd think to house work but it was nice just having it on public display for all the dunked people to view.

Also some more substantial framed works hopefully to be housed at The Drawing Rooms.